Stephen Cressar



Stephen Cressar, the son of another Stephen, attended St Paul's School in London before being admitted as sizar to Trinity at the age of 17, in May 1678.  He won a scholarship in 1681, and graduated BA in 1681-2.  He was elected a Fellow in 1684, and took his MA the following year, his Bachelor of Divinity degree in 1703 and his doctorate in 1708.  He died in 1709.

In spite of having contributed £30 to Richard Bentley's 1707 fund for repairing the Chapel, Dr Cressar was one of the signatories of the petition of 1709 to the Bishop of Ely against Bentley, the Master of Trinity.




Stephen Cressar

Shield located above the stalls on the north side of the Chapel



Henry Colman


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Henry Eden
Shield Gallery Sculpture Gallery
Brass Gallery Statue Gallery Interment &Tombstone Gallery War Memorial Gallery